Other Artists
Nolon Stacey ‘Pencil Artist’
Nolon’s detailed work begins life as a rough sketch which is then fine tuned to a detailed line drawing. Nolon then utilises a number of techniques ranging from graphite being loosely applied with tissue, to meticulous detail being applied with 5mm mechanical pencils. Nolon’s main aim is to impart life and character into his subjects, rather than simply produce a detailed study.
Stef Ottevanger
Resin Sculptures
Individual sculptures are cast in bronzed resin. They are derived from her original designs made in clay and thus retain the tactile nature and textural quality of the initial work. Each creation displays spontaneity in concept and her empathy with the subject. The range includes domestic pets, sheep, equine & wildlife and can be viewed and purchased at our Gallery In Kettlewell or alternatively, they can be purchased through our on-line gallery.
Keith Melling
Keith Melling was born in Colne, Lancashire in 1946 and has been drawing and painting from an early age. Largely self taught, he had his first exhibition in 1966, before studying at Burnley School of Art and the Harris College, Preston.
Oil paint is his favourite medium, which he makes in the studio, using traditional methods. He also enjoys gouache, watercolour, wood engraving and etching. Keith Melling is known for his Yorkshire Dales and Lake District paintings
Sandra Parker
Prints Limited Prints
I was born in Harrogate in the 1960′s and raised on a small family run farm at Menwith Hill, Nidderdale. This afforded me a freedom and understanding of the countryside, which looking back made me very privileged. My Grandfather was the last farmer in Nidderdale to go mechanised and stop using horsepower. He clung onto the ‘old ways’ as long as he could. Today we call his way of farming organic.
When I was at junior school at the end of the summer term we used to go on a nature walk by the river Nidd which ran through the village. We used to pick as many wild flowers as we could and once back in the classroom we drew the flowers. I used to love drawing the flowers and colouring them in, this is my earliest memory of enjoying art. The Smithy stocks the full range of sandra parker prints including Limited and open edition.
Andrea Hunter ‘Felt Artist’
After graduating from Leeds University Andrea returned home to the Dales to work as a professional artist. She worked predominantly in Charcoal and pastel for several years, before her interest in textiles uncovered a real love for felt making.
Andrea tries to create depth, subtlety, texture and a real feeling of movement in her felt pictures. These qualities are born from a technique of working with fine layers of wool as if it were paint. It is this technique and a strong illustrative dimension, which makes her work distinctly different from traditional felt art work.
Danny prefers working with oil on canvas. It favours his natural ability to capture the many ‘moods’ of the landscape and the magical ‘skyscapes’ that have become Danny’s focal point. Inspiration for his work comes from everyday situations , whether it’s from staring through the window on a cold and wet evening , or taking a stroll through the Dales on a Summer’s day. As he sit’s down in front of a bare canvas , he lets his natural ability and creative mind take over , using vibrant colours to create ‘amazing and magical ‘ landscapes .
Anita Hall
To view and buy work by Anita Hall click here
Anita Hall lives in Baildon, West yorkshire. A former textile designer, she trained at Bradford College of Art, but now works exclusively as a landscape artist specialising in scenes of the Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District.A Fellow of the international Guild of Artists, Anita exhibits in galleries throughout the UK as well as solo exhibitions .Anita is a great lover of the countryside, she gains much inspiration for her paintings whilst walking in her local Dales, where her bold use of colour ideally captures the mood of her subjects. This has made her work highly sought after both at home and abroad.
Peter Bolton Lives in Ingleton since 1971 and opened his own gallery in 1993. He was born in Bradford in 1946. He has a degree in Fine Art from Leeds University.
Many paintings are commissioned and Peter has had his work in many collections both in the UK and abroad.
His figrative work, using a limited palette, in watercolour or gouache has a sombre, reflective feel with the medium often applied very thickly. His work in oils is more abstract with stronger colour and texture which is built up in many layers. Working in the studio, entirely from memory, these pieces are painted over a much longer period, often many months, and so he always has several works developing at the same time.