NEW Artist Jack Morris
Product Information
Jack Morris was born in Huddersfield in 1946, a typical Yorkshire man, full of humour and modesty. He paints using house emulsion paint acrylic paint and ink, which gives his paintings a simplicity with wonderful colours.
After leaving the Army Jack got married to Audrey and they lived in a small terrace house. Jack became a pattern maker a job he loved and did until he retired. He had always made things especially out of wood loved making and carving walking sticks, as well as dabbling in painting. Jack does not consider himself an artist, there are others out there who are more worthy of such a title, he is happy as he is.
Why emulsion paint? With money tight, Audrey would not let Jack buy frivolous fancy things like proper paint so Jack used old tins of emulsion and gloss paint, back then the colours were drab and dull, but he enjoyed the painting, nowadays the range of colours is limitless and now i can afford fancy paint I choose not to.